Dear Colleagues,
Best regards from the University of Ostrava, CZ. We would like to inform our partner universities about Python programming workshop for Biologists, OstraPy organised by the postgraduate, PhD students at the Dpt. of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Ostrava.
We would very much appreciate it if you could pass a warm invitation to the workshop to Science students of your Faculty/University.
For all the details and the application please go here:
Thank you very much for help and co-operation,
with all best wishes,
Mgr. Renáta Tomášková, Dr.
Vice-Rector for International Relations International Office, University of Ostrava
Czech Republic
Nieoficjalna i bardziej swobodna w przekazie strona wydziałowa, z relacjami z badań naukowych, zajęć dydaktycznych, spotkań nieformalnych i dyskusji. Jednym słowem "o życiu" (biologia zobowiązuje) we wszelkich jego uniwersyteckich a nawet biotechnologicznych przejawach.
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