
niedziela, 18 marca 2018

Wykład otwarty: Pist-SAR: Positional isomerism as a tool for Structure-Activity-Relationship Analysis

Katedra Fizjologii, Genetyki i Biotechnologii Roślin
uprzejmie zaprasza na

pt. Pist-SAR: Positional isomerism as a tool for Structure-Activity-Relationship Analysis",

który przedstawi
Dr. León Felipe Otálvaro
(Prof. Organic Chemistry Universidad de Antioquia-Colombia, Group Leader: Sintesis y Biosintesis de Metabolitos Naturales)

Wykład odbędzie się dnia 23 marca 2018 r.
o godzinie 11:00 w sali Rady Wydziału
Wydziału Biologii i Biotechnologii,
ul. Oczapowskiego 1A, Olsztyn-Kortowo

   Serdecznie zapraszamy

Pist-SAR: Positional isomerism as a tool for Structure-Activity-Relationship Analysis
Dr. León Felipe Otálvaro
Prof. Organic Chemistry Universidad de Antioquia-Colombia
Group Leader: Sintesis y Biosintesis de Metabolitos Naturales

Abstract: The primary literature is plagued with articles in which a small series of related compounds are synthesized and biologically evaluated only to find a smaller subset of compounds (claimed as hits) with activities in the range of the positive controls. Yet, due to the almost micro-combinatorial and synthetically limited approach adopted, a vague notion of which molecular features are correlated with this activity is inferred, if at all. In this talk, the case will be presented in which a small series of positional isomeric phenylphenalenones is introduced as a tool-kit for SAR analysis. The tool-kit allows the recognition of SAR features that can be otherwise overlooked. Illustration will be presented using the Mycosphaerella fijiensis (causal agent of black sigatoka leaf streak in banana) and malaria pathosystems.

Keywords: Structure-Activity-Relationship Analysis, phenylphenalenones, M. fijiensis, malaria

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