Nauka nie zna granic a studia i badania naukowe stają się coraz bardziej międzynarodowe. Studia doktoranckie z zakresu biotechnologii czy biologii molekularnej odbyć można za granicą i to nie martwiąc się o finsnsowanie. Jeśli się ma pomysł na badania, zawsze można znaleźć sensowne możliwości realizacji. Przykładowo zamieszczamy ogłoszenie z Zakładu Limnologii Uniwersytetu Wiedeńskiego.
The Department of Limnology, University of Vienna, is offering a Praedoctoral Research Position for an enthusiastic researcher to work in the field of morphological and molecular Phylogeny of the Trichoptera subfamily Drusinae. As part of a project funded by the Austrian
Science Foundation (FWF), the first cornerstone of the PhD thesis will deal with a morphological data matrix which will be expanded by adding new characters from species currently in our collections not yet fully coded and by additional species collected by separate collecting teams during the project. The expected output will be a complete character matrix
relevant for all existing Drusinae species.
The second cornerstone will consist of phylogenetic analyses of morphological and molecular data sets via parsimony, Bayesian MCMCMC and Maximum likelihood inferences. The expected output of this thesis section will significantly refine the resolution of the phylogenetic relationships of the subfamily known so far. The expected publication effort of the PhD student will also comprise a comprehensive key for all Drusinae species. The PhD candidate will be trained at the Department of Limnology (University of Vienna) by Prof. J. Waringer and by Dr. S. Pauls at the Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (LOEWE BiK-F), Frankfurt a.M., Germany. In addition, the student will be hosted by Prof. R. Holzenthal in order to get international experience and expert opinion on morphological character coding and homology assessment. The PhD candidate will also participate and coorganize the planned project workshops. The praedoctoral scholar will have plenty opportunities to collaborate with a diverse
group of researchers, including Dr. Wolfram Graf (University of Natural Resources, Vienna, Austria), Prof. M. Kučinić and Dr. A. Previšić (Zoology Department, University of Zagreb, Croatia), Dr. Lujza Ujvárosi (Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj, Romania) and Dr. Miklos Bálint (Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre (LOEWE BiK-F), Frankfurt, Germany).
We are looking for a highly motivated and self-directed candidate intending to acquire her/his PhD degree at the University of Vienna, and with a strong interest in insect phylogeny, morphology and molecular genetics. Experience in the fields of DNA barcoding, phylogenetic
reconstructions using PAUP*, TNT and Bayesian MCMCMC and maximum likelihood inferences will be appreciated.
Excellent written, verbal and interpersonal skills, and the ability to think creatively and critically are desired. The position is funded for 3 years (half time). Salary is approx. € 16,500 per year (brutto). You may contact and send your application by e-mail to Prof. Johann Waringer ( Applications should include a single pdffile containing a CV, a list of publications, a short statement of previous research activities and motivation, and a list of
three references (including contact details).
Applications received before 31 December 2011 will be given full considerations.
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